We Invest In The
Future Of Planet!

Our solar programs encompass a broad range of material sourcing, and inventory services to help customers become more profitable.

Sustainable, Reliable & Affordable Energy!

A Leading Supplier Of Solar Materials For Manufacturers, Installers & Contractors.

Pratiche burocratiche e domande di connessione

Pratiche burocratiche e domande di connessione

Disbrigo delle pratiche burocratiche interessate all'allaccio di impianti alimentati con fonti energetiche rinnovabili con la rete di distribuzione locale e gestione dell'iter di connessione.
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Verifiche SPI
Energtec Image

Verifiche SPI

Effettuiamo la verifica dei Sistemi di Protezione di Interfaccia (SPI) mediante test cassetta con prova relè, alla fine del quale verrà fornito un report.
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Impianti domotici

Impianti domotici

La soluzione ideale per chi desidera la massima integrazione e personalizzazione di sistemi e funzioni con una forte integrazione tra i dispositivi.
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Impianti civili e industriali

Impianti civili e industriali

Consentono di integrare in un unico impianto l’automazione delle luci, l’attivazione di scenari preimpostati, la diffusione sonora, l’antifurto ed il videocontrollo, nonchè la termoregolazione e la gestione dei carichi elettrici.
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Impianti di condizionamento

Impianti di condizionamento

Questo tipo di impianto permette di regolare la temperatura dell’aria. Il raffreddamento o il riscaldamento dell’ambiente si ottengono grazie alle trasformazioni termodinamiche che avvengono all’interno della macchina.
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Impianto solare termico

Impianto solare termico

La tecnologia del solare termico è il modo più semplice per produrre acqua calda direttamente dal sole.
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Our PV Industry Experience Enables Us To Provide In-depth Material Sourcing, Financing And Supply Chain Expertise For Every Step!



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99.9% Customer Satisfaction based on 750+ reviews of 6,154 Completed Projects, and 2,194 Happy Customers trust us.

The Most Important Supplier Of Solar Materials In The North Of America And Europe.

1102 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York 11226 U.S.
2307 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York 11226 U.S.
3002 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York 11226 U.S.
3002 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York 11226 U.S.

Today, our company is one of the most important PV suppliers in the North America and Europe. Our sales offices and warehouses include PV industry experience enables us to provide in-depth material sourcing and supply chain expertise for every step of production and installation process.

While improving the yield and performance of solar energy products, our PV industry experience enables us to provide in-depth material sourcing, financing and supply chain expertise for every step.

Market Value


With a vision to help create a world where clean energy is powered by individuals, ingenuity independence.

Industry Growth


Provide tailored solutions & lifelong support empowering, communities and businesses to control the way.

Years Of Experience

1 Y

Founded in 1984 on the premise that you can be self-sustainable wherever they choose to live and work.

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    We take great pride in everything that we do, control over products allows us to ensure our customers receive the best quality service.


    Discover Independence Through Using Power Of Smooth Solar Panels!

    We support our customers on their way to a more sustainable products across energy value chain.

    Innovation, Quality And Continuous Improvement

    Latest Projects, Solutions
    And Energy Supplies

    Our sales offices and warehouses include PV industry experience enables us to provide in-depth material sourcing and supply chain expertise for every production & installation process.

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