Our Pricing

The increase in extreme weather events and rising sea levels are unmistakable signs of climate change. Roughly 850 million people still live without access to electricity, which is the foundation.

Our Pricing And Plans

Effective & Flexible Pricing
That Adapts Your Needs

Starter Plan

The perfect plan for small business
Fast project turnaround time, substantial cost savings & quality standards.
  • Reliability and performance
  • Just-in-time manufacturing
  • Solar material financing
  • Built using n-type mono
  • Crystalline cell materials
  • 50% more energy output

Basic Plan

The perfect plan for small business
Fast project turnaround time, substantial cost savings & quality standards.
  • Built using n-type mono
  • Crystalline cell materials
  • Reliability and performance
  • Just-in-time manufacturing
  • Solar material financing
  • 50% more energy output

Advanced Plan

The perfect plan for small business
Fast project turnaround time, substantial cost savings & quality standards.
  • Built using n-type mono
  • Crystalline cell materials
  • Reliability and performance
  • Just-in-time manufacturing
  • Solar material financing
  • 50% more energy output
Sustainable, reliable & affordable energy systems, Find Your Solution Now!


Awards Milestones Awarded To Us


Awards Milestones Awarded To Us


Awards Milestones Awarded To Us


With a vision to help create a world where clean energy is powered by individuals, ingenuity independence.


Provide tailored solutions & lifelong support empowering, communities and businesses to control the way.

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Founded in 1984 on the premise that you can be self-sustainable wherever they choose to live and work.

    Request A Quote

    We take great pride in everything that we do, control over products allows us to ensure our customers receive the best quality service.

    Save Your Money,
    Save Environment!

    Solar power makes energy independence possible. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact with our team, or you can call us any time.


    99.9% Customer Satisfaction based on 750+ reviews of 6,154 Completed Projects, and 2,194 Happy Clients.

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